Luisa Mazzone
Set designer, illustrator and digital colorist for publishing and animation.
She exhibits for the 72nd Venice International Film Festival with an exhibition on Pasolini.
He worked as a Background Artist for Animundi S.r.l and as a Visual Development Artist
for an international project, ( She illustrated "Ugo Tognazzi, story, style, and secrets of a great actor" for the MoMA in New York. Since 2019 he has been collaborating as a colorist with Disney Publishing.

Illustrated Books
2016-2017 Coverbook for Psychological Thriller written by Roberto Tartaglia.
2015 Paolini -il cinema in 20 tavole, written by Mario Sesti, edited by NED edizioni.
2014 " Un Attimo di Vita" by Antonio Gaudino e Paolo Silvestrini, edited by Mondadori Electa.

2015 "10 tavole per Pasolini": exhibition 72th Venice Film Festival.
2014 NOWART: exhibition at the Accademia del Lusso. Rome.
2012 Film Festival of Spello (Italy) - Exhibition of scenic sketches and movie projects.
2011 - 2012 Exhibition at Mondadori bookshop

2017 Winner for the contest "100 Stories Creativity of Lazio".
2012 AR, magazine of the Architects of Rome & Province. Publication of an interview " Le professioni del cinema"

2010 Assistant production designer. Spot "Lavazza" - Directed by Umberto Riccioni Carteni.

2017-2018 Background Artist. Animundi S.r.l
2016-2017 Mila film. Visual development End Credits. Directed by Cinzia Angelini.
2009 Assistant production designer. "Mine Vaganti" - Directed by Ferzan Ozpetek.

Short Movie
2008 Assistant production designer "Qualcuno mi aiuti" - Directed by Michele Barbone.

2006 Stage at the Teatro dell'Opera in Rome

Film Festivals
2004 - 2005 Production designer. "Volo d'Angelo Film Festival"

2008 - 2010 National Film School directed by Academy Award Piero Tosi and Andrea Crisanti
2007 Workshop of production design with Enzo De Camillis
2003 - 2006 Academy of Fine Arts of Rome
1996 - 2001 Artistic high school in Rome

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